Our Company
- 80 hours per year after 1 year of service;
- 120 hours per year after 5 years of service
Sick Leave
- 40 hours max. per year;
- no max. accrual
Other Paid Leave
- Jury duty, Military duty, voting, inclement weather.
Life Insurance
- Optional term life available through payroll deduction.
- Optional short-term and long term disability available through payroll deduction.
Voluntary Supplemental Life Insurance
- Employee optional benefit.
Accidental Death
401(k) Savings Plan
- Employee contribution up to 20% of annual salary.
- Loan provision: $1000 min.; 50% of account balance or $50K max.
Profit Sharing Plan
Long Term Disability
- Available through payroll deduction.
Short Term Disability
- Available through payroll deduction.
Health Care
- Employee Plan available.
- Family option available.
Cafeteria Plan Insurance
- Employee optional benefit.
Flexible Spending Accounts
- Employee contributes pre-tax dollars:
- $1500/yr max. medical;
- $5000/yr max. dependent care.
Prescription Drug
- Available through payroll deduction.
Vision Care
- Employee optional benefit.
Dental Care
- Employee optional benefit.
Severance Pay
Travel Accident Insurance
Educational Reimbursement
- Management discretion for special purposes.
Employee Welfare and Morale
- Includes company picnics, Christmas dinner/party, etc.
Employee Assistance Programs
- Referral program available.
Pre-Paid Legal
- Employee optional benefit